PVC Windows

SP Trade Frames providing high quality PVC Windows

A PVC window for every project

No matter what your project, there is a pvc window for the job.

Halo PVC windows offer superior energy efficiency, modern aesthetics, and long-lasting performance, making them a reliable and environmentally-friendly choice for any home.

Liniar PVC windows are renowned for their innovative design, incorporating multi-chambered profiles that provide excellent thermal efficiency, along with a sleek and stylish appearance to enhance the overall look of your home.

Deceuninck PVC windows stand out for their exceptional craftsmanship and advanced technology, combining superior energy efficiency with elegant designs to elevate both the aesthetics and performance of your home.

Get the information you need

PVC Windows offer outstanding performance and exceptional energy efficiency.

PVC windows have proven to be a smart investment for homeowners due to their exceptional insulation, low maintenance, affordability, noise reduction, and eco-friendly attributes.

With their increasing popularity, PVC windows continue to be a top choice for modern construction and renovation projects, providing a harmonious blend of aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.

Want to find out how SP Trade Frames can help your business

Our company ethos is to supply the highest quality products – on time – in full, backed by a full marketing package to help all our installers market their business’s in a  professional manner.